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Photo of  2012 Aquatic Ecology Group

Aquatic Ecology:
Field Study at Gratiot Lake
Sunday, July 15 - Saturday, July 21

Nine students attended this year's Michigan Tech SYP residential program at the Noblet Field Station to study Aquatic Ecology at Gratiot Lake. Three students were from the US (one from as far away as Hawaii), five students were from Korea, and one was from Russia. Students collected water samples and graphed data from the lake, the outlet, and the beaver dam. Some students also investigated crayfish food preferences.

This residential class is co-sponsored by Tech and GLC. Teacher salary for the exploration is subsidized by the GLC Education Fund.

Ian Hyslop, a Hancock High School senior, received the Rita and Jack Sandretto Scholarship to attend
the Michigan Tech Summer Youth Program Exploration: Aquatic Ecology at Gratiot Lake.


Click here to view previous Student Ecology Programs
from 1999 to the present.

Contact GLC Program Director: director@gratiotlakeconservancy.org
(Please put "Gratiot Lake" in subject line.)