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Gratiot Lake Conservancy
First Annual
Open House
at Noblet Field Station 

Blue skies and a placid lake graced the day of the first GLC Open House at the Noblet Field Station on August 8, 1999. People came by land and by water. Even the noisy logging operation which blocked the access road to the cabin did little to mar the success of the day.

More than 70 people, mostly Gratiot Lake residents, attended the event. Guests toured the cabin, walked the woodland trail, and discussed the lake and its watershed with Conservancy board members. The cabin sparked some fascinating reminiscences from several Gratiot Lake residents, including the story of the beer-cap trail and memories of Bert Noblet and his family and friends. There were also many conversations about Lake history, conservation, and environmental education.

Refreshments were served and resources were offered (see below for tips on how to preserve the lake). It was a nice introduction to what the Conservancy is trying to accomplish at the Lake, and people generally seemed supportive.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this a special day!

Contact GLC Program Director: director@gratiotlakeconservancy.org
(Please put "Gratiot Lake" in subject line.)