For a week in July of 2003, six high school students had a wonderful time studying the chemistry and life of the Lake, the Little Gratiot River, and an old beaver dam on the Conservancy preserve. The group camped at the Noblet Field Station and studied aquatic ecology under the guidance of teachers Jeff Crumbaugh and Brian Rajdl.
The program was a collaborative effort between the Conservancy and Michigan Tech's Summer Youth Program. Kate Abbott, a senior at Houghton HS, received a scholarship to attend the program from the Jack Sandretto Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Next summer the Aquatic Ecology Exploration at Gratiot Lake will be offered again and scholarship funds will be available for a Copper Country student. Teens can obtain information about the MTU 's Summer Youth Program 2004 and Exploration #1338 Aquatic Ecology: Field Study at Gratiot Lake July 25-July 31, 2004 (for students currently in grades 9-11) at
Scholarship information may be obtained by contacting:
Peter Larsen, Associate Coordinator Youth Programs
Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931
When asked what they liked most about the Aquatic Ecology Exploration at Gratiot Lake , students offered these answers:
"The wildlife we were studying."
"Living in the wilderness with no technology. So much to do, there was no time spent doing nothing."
"Being at the cabin at Gratiot Lake. We didn't have to be in the dorms. The teachers were awesome."
"Doing the hands-on experiments because I never did anything like that before."