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Standing Left to Right: Nick Yuill (Battle Creek), Nick Erickson (Detroit area), (above)Brandon Frost (life guard), Will Chichester, Will Mull (Trenton,MI), Lenora Knowles (Colombus, OH), Mengya Li (Houghton, MI), Marcy Erickson (teacher). Sitting left to right: Brian Rajdl (teacher), Naomi Lewandowski (Bellaire, MI), Hanna Miller (Midland, MI), Cara Hanson (South Lyon, MI).

Aquatic Ecology Exploration
at Gratiot Lake


Michigan Tech Summer Youth Program students stayed at the Conservancy's Noblet’s Field Station from July 25 through July 29 as they explored the aquatic ecology of Gratiot Lake.

Students sifted through a bottom sample brought up from the deepest area of the lake. Organisms living there must be able to survive with very little dissolved oxygen. Some aquatic worms which derive their red color from stores of hemoglobin which allow them to extract and use what little oxygen there is at a depth of 80 feet.

Mengya Li of Houghton received the Gratiot Lake Conservancy’s Sandretto Scholarship to attend Michigan Tech’s 2005 Summer Youth Program Exploration: "Aquatic Ecology at Gratiot Lake."

For more information about
the Aquatic Ecology at Gratiot Lake course planned for 2006 visit MTU’s Summer Youth Program web site ( http://youthprograms.mtu.edu/ or http://youthprograms.mtu.edu/syp/explorations.asp) or call their office at 906-487-2210.

Scholarship Available to UP Student

Rebecca (Rita) Sandretto continues to contribute generously to the Conservancy’s endowed education scholarship fund established in memory of her husband, Jack Sandretto. The scholarship benefits local students (students currently in grades 9-11) taking part in the Conservancy’s educational programs.

Scholarship information may be obtained by contacting:

Peter Larsen, Associate Coordinator Youth Programs
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931

Click Here to see slides from 2003's Aquatic Ecology class.

Click Here to see slides from 2004's Aquatic Ecology class.

Contact GLC Program Director: director@gratiotlakeconservancy.org
(Please put "Gratiot Lake" in subject line.)