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Bammert Farm Land Donation
& Related Historical and Environmental Projects

Photo Courtesy of Keweenaw County Historical Society,
Margaret Hoffenbecker Collection

Gratiot Lake Conservancy is pleased to report that the children of Mary and Joseph Lizzadro recently donated 466 acres to the Conservancy. Before Joseph and Mary Lizzadro purchased this property in 1934, it had been known as Bammert Farm and was a major food producer for Phoenix and Central mines.

GLC has several projects planned for the Bammert Farm. Many old remnants of the Bammert orchard and farming operation remain on the property and GLC is arranging for research to more fully understand the cultural history of Bammert Farm and to establish a historical site and trail for visitors.

Sustainable forestry and ecological projects are also underway. During 2003, forester Jim Sweeting examined the property and developed a management plan for the next ten years. The Conservancy, along with Keweenaw Community Forest Company and a team of students from Michigan Technological University, has started the first forest management project which involves a harvest plan and tree marking for approximately 45 acres of Red Pine. This program will not only provide some income to support other Conservancy programs, but also will provide a practical venue for sustainable forestry education.

Dick Crane of NRCS at Third Dam

GLC has also been pursuing grant funding to restore the hydrology to an area known as the 3rd Dam by installing a water control device. This will restablish an emergent marsh and enhance regeneration of native wetland and aquatic vegetation. A wild rice planting will also be undertaken.  Wild rice is native to the area and is particularly beneficial to breeding and migrating waterfowl. Jim Sweeting was instrumental in the design of this wetland restoration and has arranged for his colleagues at the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to provide the technical engineering design. 

In addition, restoration of a mixed hardwood forest including hemlock and white pine is planned for the portion of upland surrounding the 3rd Dam area which is now a predominantly a red pine forest. A more diverse forest will provide conditions to support a richer native plant community.

See also

Bammert Farm Walk 2014

Bammert Farm Botanical Inventory 2014

Bammert History

Red Pine Thinning at Bammert Farm

Gina's Nicholas's Powerpoint presentation (originally 110 MB) including numerous photos of the property
can be downloaded in smaller pdf or Quicktime formats below.

Download presentation as a pdf file (6.8 MB)

Download presentation as a Quicktime Slideshow (6.5 MB)

Contact GLC Program Director: director@gratiotlakeconservancy.org
(Please put "Gratiot Lake" in subject line.)